Make A difference with GIL

Your involvement in the Green movement helps transform our planet

Green Is Lyf (GIL) is an eco-sensitive consulting company that provides outreach to communities, businesses, and institutions about waste reduction and wellness awareness.

This engagement style provides the entire Community with  a sustainable approach to living Lyf. This business will focus on supporting the Westside and the city of Atlanta with an innovative approach to up-cycling food waste from individual homes to large institutions and venues. GIL is driven by a community based entrepreneurial spirit that will provide marketing, training, education and upward economic growth.

The company will focus on engaging others in the multi benefits of waste management on an individual’s quality of life. The benefit and cost efficiency for businesses to achieve zero waste in a time certain. GIL will seek clients through traditional and evolving delivery process which includes:

  • Neighborhood meetings, Smaller residential groups discussions

  • Leafleting and signage

  • Develop collaborative relationships with stakeholders 

  • Demonstration of composting